Hi, we’re Village GIC.

Your money is the culmination of your hard work and discipline. Financial security equals freedom; yet growing and preserving your finances can pose significant challenges.
Originally formed as Ross Dixon and Associates in 1978, the company has evolved through several owners and is now Village GIC Ltd. Specializing in Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) we offer a tried and true approach (such as “laddering” GICs) to saving for your future and cash flow.

We are a family-run business with deep roots in Waterloo Region. We take a personal interest in our clients lives and well-being, and enjoy seeing them prosper. We can help you gain peace of mind; whether it’s a worry-free retirement, saving for your children’s education, fulfilling a lifelong ambition, or leaving a legacy to your loved ones - we will work with you every step of the way, and can help to reduce the stress associated with major changes in your life.

We invite you to experience the clarity and ease of our investment process.

Welcome to Village GIC.